Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 Articles

The Hidden Bully: How Avoiding Housework and Using Guilt Manipulation Perpetuates Domestic Inequality

In many households, the division of labour remains a contentious issue, often reflecting traditional gender roles. Despite significant progress towards gender equality in broader society, the dynamics within the home can still reveal deeply ingrained stereotypes and expectations. One particularly troubling aspect of this is the behaviour of individuals, often men or boys, who dominate …

The Plight of People Pleasers

The Plight of People Pleasers: From Childhood Bullying to Adult Vulnerability People pleasers are individuals who go to great lengths to satisfy others, often at their own expense. Their behaviour, rooted in a desire to avoid conflict and gain approval, frequently stems from early educational experiences. Unfortunately, this predisposition often makes them targets for bullies …

Psychological Violence

Psychological violence is typically used to gain or maintain control over someone. Respect is absent, and consent is obtained in an unacceptable manner. The common thread in all strategies involving psychological violence is that one person acts inconsiderately toward another, for example, by: This form of violence is often challenging to detect by the victims …

The true face of violence

The true face of violence is not part of a pretty story where the good always triumphs in the end. Real violence can start with a simple verbal altercation, a hostile glance, or a physical confrontation. But it’s not a ritualized combat exchange in a ring or a gym with gloves and a referee. It’s …

Introduction: Self defence for women

The best self-defence strategies apply equally to men and women. But women really need these self-defence strategies more because they are statistically aggressed against more frequently than men. They experience more forms of verbal and sexual harassment. There are over 2 500 Number of rapes and attempted rape crimes recorded in Scotland from 2002/03 to …