
Please pre-register if you plan to attend any of the classes. We aim to manage attendee numbers to offer the most personalized experience, especially for Stage 1, which focuses primarily on rebuilding confidence.

If you haven’t received confirmation within 10 days, there may be a technical issue with the website. Please send a message to for assistance.

To confirm your pre-registration, we require a 30% deposit. This deposit will be refunded if we cancel the class or if you encounter a serious personal issue (such as a death in your family or among your friends). If you have a minor issue like a cold and choose not to attend, we will retain the deposit so you can use it to register for another class.

Registration for men
Click Here
For more information about the cost.
Click Here

Registration for Women

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
If you are coming with someone, the name and surname
If the person is between 13 and 16 years old, then you have to be the person responsible for the teenager. Also you have to attend to the class.
Choose the date of the classe (Stage 1 only)
Choose the date(s) of the class Stage 2 (only if you already attended to a Stage 1)
Do you wish to rfegister for the class Stage 3? only if you already attended to a Stage 2)

Registration for Men

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
If you are coming with someone, the name and surname
If the person is between 13 and 16 years old, then you have to be the person responsible for the teenager. Also you have to attend to the class.
Choose the date of the classe (Stage 1 only)
Choose the date(s) of the class Stage 2 (only if you already attended to a Stage 1)
Do you wish to rfegister for the class Stage 2? only if you already attended to a Stage 3)